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What are my responsibilities in having auto insurance coverage?
There are some responsibilities involved in having insurance coverage:
- Being completely honest in your application (if you aren't, it can void your insurance coverage)
- Knowing your obligations under your policy (it's best to discuss this with your Service Specialist before you ever need to make a claim, so you avoid any surprises)
- Paying the premiums (if you don't, your coverage can be cancelled, with notice)
- Notifying your insurer of any changes (like a new vehicle, additional drivers, change of location, modifications to the vehicle, criminal code convictions, accidents, medical conditions that could affect driving safety)
- Preventing or reducing the chance of further damage, keeping in mind that safety comes first
- Notifying us as soon as possible when making a claim
You need to have a copy of your policy to refer to. It's a good idea to ask your Service Specialist about your responsibilities too.