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What are Accident Benefits?
Accident Benefits provides compensation if you, your passengers, or pedestrians are hurt or killed in a car accident. Who is at fault doesn't make a difference to the coverage.
Accident Benefits are compulsory in all provinces except Newfoundland and Labrador.
What's covered?
While details vary among provinces, Accident Benefits covers:
- Medical and rehabilitation services
- Funeral expenses
- Loss of income from disability
- Death benefits
In Ontario, Accident Benefits also provides:
- Caregiver benefits
- Non-earner benefits
- Other expenses, like education costs, housekeeping and maintenance
In Ontario, you can purchase additional Accident Benefits coverage.
Whose policy applies if you are a passenger?
In Ontario, if you have automobile insurance, you would claim these benefits from your own insurer, whether you were injured in your own vehicle or someone else's. If you don't have insurance, you would claim from the policy for the vehicle you were riding in.